
BrybellyホールディングスACP-0003 DBクローム限定版タイマーボタン

Brybelly Holdings


The DB Timer Dealer Button Special CHROME EDITION Features:

> Unique Chrome Finish

> 30-second bet clock speeds up play

> Bet and blind timers run independently

> Loud warning alarm & flashing light

> Set blinds in one minute increments

> Blind interval resets automatically

> Large easy-to-see display

> Tamper-proof / safe-to-pass

The DB 2 Timer Dealer Button has been improved over the original version. The timer is louder. Blind Levels now reset automatically. There is a Bet clock where you can put a slow player on the clock to ensure he decides within 30 seconds. Flashing light occurs when Bet clock is up as well as when round is completed.

This DB Timer Dealer Button is one of the best timer dealer buttons on the market. Get your hands on one today! It is a unique and novel idea for home gamers. Your tournament timer is built directly into your button!

The DB Timer Dealer Button Solves Poker Tournament Challenges.

Most card club, at-home, and satellite poker tournaments face the same challenge: how to conveniently time blind changes (the minimum required bet for a specific period of play).

For years, players have used various methods to mark the time between required minimum bet increases (blinds). These have ranged from the obvious (kitchen, stovetop, and microwave timers) to the extreme (old-fashioned buzzer clocks and cell phone alarms).

Makeshift timers are no longer necessary!!!