
PS3/PS4コントローラーをPS2で使用可能にするコントローラーコンバーター Brook PS3/PS4 to PS2 Super Converter [SRPJ-1867]



PS3/PS4 to PS2 Super Converter lets you use your PS3/PS4 controllers to play games on PS2 Overview Brook Super Converter series makes old controllers compatible with new consoles. This not only saves you money but also means that you can use the controllers you have grown accustomed to. Installation and use of the PS3/PS4 to PS2 Controller Adapter is effortless. Features Compatible with gamepads and joysticks Auto-register controllers Optimal button mapping Vibration support Lightweight and USB-sized Work on PS2 and PC Hot swapping Full compliance with environmental standards No original controller needed for verifyaction Firmware upgrade Button Configuration All key functionsmap perfectly! Disclaimer Each Brook Super Converter can only handle one controller at a time. PS3/PS4 controllers connect to the Controller Adaptor automatically, but must be connected with a USB cable at first time use for the purpose of registering the controller. Compatibility The list below indicates the controllers/sticks/wheels that have been tested to be compatible or not compatible with the converter. For those controllers/sticks/wheels which are not listed indicates that they have not been tested yet. Go to Contact Us for assistance or suggestion. HORI PRO V4 HORI Dead or Alive 5 Last Round HORI Real Arcade Pro.3 HORI Real Arcade Pro.4 Premium VLX HORI Fighting Edge 刃 HORI PS3 Hori Fighting Min3 QANBA Drone QANBA Q1 QANBA Q4 Venom Arcade Stich PS4/PS3 KDiT 2013 Snake MadCatz TE2 MadCatz Street Fighter Tournament Edition S MadCatz Street Fighter®V Arcade FightStick™ Tournament Edition 2+ for PS4 & PS3 MadCatz Street Fighter®V Arcade FightStick™ Alpha for PS4 & PS3 MadCatz Street Fighter®V FightPad PRO™ for PS4 & PS3 SEGA Virtua Stich High Garde PS3 Etokki Omni Arcade Stick -Sanwa Edition Activision 吉他英雄Live Nacon nacon revolution Razer Raiju Gaming Controller Razer Panthera Arcade Stick


