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- プレイステーション3
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- アクションアドベンチャー
Spider-man Web of Shadows (PS3 輸入版)
- メーカー
- Activision Inc.
- ブランド
- 5030917058721
- メーカー品番
- 68270
- シェア
When a deadly symbiote invasion devastates the streets of New York City, only Spider-Man can seize control and bring the city salvation. From the game's direction and outcome through to Spider-Man's destiny, Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows puts control in the player's hands.
Gamers decide when to switch between the agile Red Suit and powerful Black Suit, whether to ally with Marvel's honoured heroes or ferocious villians, which of Spider-Man's abilities to upgrade and what missions to undertake in order to protect Manhattan from certain annihilation. Overhauled combat system provides deepest arsenal ever: For the first time ever in a Spider-Man game, players can take the fight vertically and combat foes on city walls, where only Spider-Man holds the advantage. Gamers control their experience: At a moment's notice, gamers can switch between the grace and agility of Spider-Man's Red Suit and the brute, savage power of the Black Suit. Players can customise their ideal Spider-Man: Players will earn experience in multiple combat disciplines, allowing them to custom-design their ideal Spider-Man. Every choice counts: Dependant on gamers' actions and decisions, a morality meter will gauge whether citizens cheer Spider-Man on or run away in fear. Side with Marvel's greatest heroes and villians: From Luke Cage and Wolverine to Vulture and Electro, players control who will ultimately aid them in the fight to rid New York of its alien symbiote. A living, breathing New York City under siege: Players are now able to destroy store fronts, demolish vehicles, and pick-up anything along the wayto use as a weapon.
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