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- プレイステーション4
Overwatch Origins Collector Edition
- メーカー
- Activision Classics
- ブランド
- 0047875877672
- メーカー品番
- 87767
- 発売時期
- 2016-05-24
- シェア
The future is now. Are you with us? Clash on the battlefields of tomorrow and choose your hero from a diverse cast of soldiers, scientists, adventurers, and oddities. Bend time, defy physics, and unleash an array of extraordinary powers and weapons. Engage your enemies in iconic locations from around the globe in the ultimate team-based shooter. Take your place in Overwatch. The world needs heroes. THE OVERWATCH COLLECTOR’S EDITION: The Overwatch Collector’s Edition includes everything in Overwatch: Origins Edition, plus: Visual Sourcebook Soundtrack Soldier: 76 Statue The Overwatch Collector’s Edition is packed full of goods to enhance your experience, along with all of the in-game bonuses and Origin Skins bundled in Overwatch: Origins Edition. Overwatch: Collector’s Edition Contents* PRE-PURCHASE BONUS: Noire Skin for Widowmaker 21 EXTRAORDINARY HEROES: Choose your hero from a diverse cast of soldiers, scientists, adventurers, and oddities. ICONIC ENVIRONMENTS: Fight on futuristic battlefields around the globe: the cobbled streets of King’s Row in London; the mysterious Temple of Anubis; Numbani, where human and omnic live in harmony, and more… SOLDIER: 76 STATUE: Overwatch’s former Strike-Commander stands tall once again—on your desk. This premium-grade statue measures 12.8” in height. OVERWATCH VISUAL SOURCEBOOK: Dive into the world of Overwatch with in-depth illustrations and information about the game's heroes, locations, and story. OVERWATCH SOUNDTRACK: Enjoy the music of the future with this immersive soundtrack. 5 ORIGIN SKINS: Overgrown Bastion, Security Chief Pharah, Strike-Commander Morrison, Blackwatch Reyes, and Slipstream Tracer. IN-GAME GOODIES: TRACER HERO BABY WINSTON PET OVERWATCH CARD BACK MERCY’S WINGS PLAYER PORTRAITS (Tracer, Reaper, Pharah, Winston, Bastion, and Soldier: 76) *ALL DIGITAL CONTENT WILL BE AVAILABLE BY LAUNCH
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