閃乱カグラ Burst Re:Newalの北米版
Fist of the North Star Lost Paradise (輸入版:北米) - PS4
Sega of America(World)
Tales of Vesperia - Definitive Edition (輸入版:北米) - PS4
Namco Bandai Games(World)
The Caligula Effect: Overdose (輸入版:北米) - PS4
Super Neptunia RPG (輸入版:北米) - PS4
Death end re;Quest (輸入版:北米) - PS4
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal - At The Seames Ltd (輸入版:北米) - PS4
Ragnarok Odyssey ACE (輸入版:北米) - PSVita
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II (輸入版:北米) - PS3