Madden NFL 13(street 11-13-12)
- メーカー
- Electronic Arts
- 0151903376430
- メーカー品番
- 19735
- 発売時期
- 2012-11-13
- シェア
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for PSP... In the game of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince players will return to Hogwarts to help Harry survive a fraught sixth year. They will also have a chance to engage in exciting wizard duels mix and brew magical ingredients in Potions class and take to the air to lead the Gryffindor Quidditch team to victory. Players may even get sidetracked by Ron's romantic entanglements as they journey towards a dramatic climax and discover the identity of the Half-Blood Prince. 重量: 1 poundこちらの商品はご注文日よりお届けまで10日から14日ほどお時間を頂いております。スタッフ一同、お客様に安心してお取引頂けるよう心がけております。
New - Harry Potter PSP by Electronic Arts - 15520