Colin McRae: DiRT (輸入版)
It may be tempting to think of this simply as Colin McRae Rally 6.0, but for once a game has been rebranded not to divert attention from an aging and discredited formula, but because it really is a whole evolutionary step forward for the series. There?s now a far greater range of cars and race types than just point-to-point rallying, with everything from hill climbing to rally cross events included. The game?s also far less parochial than before, with plenty of officially licensed international rally tracks and competitions.As exciting as all this may be though the game?s trump card is clearly its graphics. After what seems to have been an endless series of next gen disappointments this is one game that clearly could never have been done on the older consoles. The level of detail is incredible, both on the cars and the environment, but what really impresses is how interactive everything is. Pranging your car not only damages it realistically, but whatever you?ve hit as well, from roadside barriers to other racers. The game?s other great triumph is ironically also it?s only serious flaw. The car handling is superbly realistic, but so much so that it actually makes getting anywhere in the game extremely difficult without an awful lot of practise (and ideally a good steering wheel controller). At least you can go online for a match against others at the same skill level as you though, which does help to avoid too much frustration and helps you appreciate what is probably the best next gen racer so far.Harrison Dent
- こちらの商品は英語版です。(This item is English version)
- 日本版Xbox 360で動作します。